Managing the Forest:
- Texas Outdoor Burn Bans
- Click to see the diagram...
- The Texas Forest Service offers a "Texas Tree Planting Guide". Go to the guide...
- Forestry Suppliers offers discount to TFA members
Forestry Suppliers has recently offered a 7% discount to members of Texas Forestry Association. Through their online catalog, Forestry Suppliers features thousands of quality products for forestry, environmental science, surveying/engineering, horticulture, grounds maintenance, educational professionals and more. To take advantage of the discount, TFA members can access the key code (promo code) from the "Members Only" section of TFA's website. Login to "Members Only" is required. Email tfa@texasforestry.org for the username and password.
- Purple Paint Law - Landowners may post or define the boundaries of their property by marking trees and fence posts with purple paint. In a court of law in Texas, a property boundary marked with purple paint is the same as posting "No Trespassing" signs. This also covers "No Hunting". The 'purple paint' law in Texas took effect in September of 1997. The law requires that the purple paint markings must be vertical, at least eight-inches long and one-inch wide. The bottom of the mark should be between three and five feet above the ground. The markings can be no more than 100 feet apart in timberland and 1,000 feet apart on open land, and must be in a place visible by those approaching the property. Click https://tpwd.texas.gov/landwater/land/habitats/faq/law_enforcement/trespass1.phtml/
- Groundwater related acronyms - Click to access a list of groundwater acronyms.
Government Programs:
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) - a program where eligible participants receive financial and technical help implementing practices to promote agricultural production and environmental quality. For more information, go to the USDA website: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/eqip/
Energy Markets:
Conservation Information:
- Protecting the Black Bear: A It is a violation of law to kill a black bear in Texas with fines of up to $10,000, loss of hunting privileges, and/or jail time. Hogs and Bears look alike: KNOW YOUR TARGET!
 To report a bear sighting, contact: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 800-792-1112 Read more...
- Louisiana Pine Snake: It is one of the raest snakes in North America. The snake tends to live in north of Tyler County. Read more... (Downloads a PDF file of 80 KB)
Legislation Information: